Starting My Photography Collection
One of my (many!) visions for this blog is to start a Dodge & Burn Permanent Collection. It would be filled with the prints of photographers I’ve interviewed and many more.
This month I volunteered at the 2012 CCNY Annual Benefit photography auction and while working the registration table, a few images caught my eye. The first was Conduit by Terry Bodie (below) – a haunting, layered image that speaks to me of cultural heritage and rebirth.
The other was this nude by Turkish artist Pinar Yolacan (below) that I’ve long admired. Needless to say I bid on both pieces and to my surprise, I won! Well I guess it wasn’t so surprising because I did bid during the last few minutes of the auction 😉
“Untitled” from Like a Stone series, 2011
Pinar Yolacan
The acquisition of these two prints means that the Dodge & Burn Permanent Collection now contains a grand total of 3 prints – with the first being a 1980s image of ARMY recruits personally given to my husband by Jamel Shabazz. So excited to officially be a collector!
Now I’m having grandiose dreams of creating a collection large enough so that I can curate shows from it, building a print library where people can come and see the prints in person, lending prints to art institutions for their shows, creating a digital archive… the possibilities are endless.
“Conduit” by Terry Bodie |
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Congrats! What amazing works. I recently started collecting, too, and I tell you, it's definitely addictive, but so worth it.
& Happy New Year!!