TagPhotographer Laura Aguilar and the Nude Self Portrait
Photographer Laura Aguilar’s nude self portrait work forces viewers to confront her marginalized body while also expressing ancestral ties to the North American southwest.
African-American Photographer Alvin Baltrop Exhibit at Contemporary Arts Museum Houston
Alvin Baltrop, “Three Navy Sailors,” 1969–72. Gelatin silver print, 8½ × 12¾ inches.
Collection Morteza Barharloo, Houston.
Perspectives 17..
BAOBABS Exhibit at The FotoVisura Latin American Pavilion
Exhibition Dates: May 13 -16, 2010
Dumbo Arts Center (DAC)
30 Washington Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201
For mo..
Photographer Interview: María Fernanda Hubeaut
The following photographs are part of a series titled Rayuela (translated in English meaning “hopscotch”), based on the novel of the same ..
Darine Stern: First Black Woman to Grace Playboy Cover in 1971
Feeling compelled to post this as an homage to Darine Stern – the first African American woman to pose on the cover of Playboy in 1971.
Photographer Interview: Jaime Permuth
I found photographer Jaime Permuth through our mutual friend, curator Lisa Henry.
Recently one of Jaime’s images..
Photographer Interview: Diane Wah
Copyright Diane Wah
On April 24, 2009 I met Diane Wah at The Marie Walsh Sharpe Art Foundation’s Space Program Open Studios receptio..
Photographer Interview: Lola Flash
Where are you from? Montclair, NJ
How did you get started in photography – any “formal” training?
Had a camera for as long as I can remember..
World AIDS Day 2008: Documentary on Infected African-American Women
In support of the 20th anniversary of World AIDS Day, I’d like to share with you a documentary that will change the way you think of the f..
American Photography #24 Book
A Photo Editor blogger says the “American Photography book has always been a very prestigious publication to be in. Most Photo Editors an..