advertising photography
TagPhotographer Interview: Shaniqwa Jarvis
A selfie by Photographer Shaniqwa Jarvis
Our first interactions with a brand are often through photographs and..
NYC Girl’s Project Uses Photography to Boost Self-Esteem and Body Image
Many of us have issues with the Bloomberg administration, but I must tip my hat off to the Mayor for supporting this public education camp..
Video: Photo Shoot with Kareem Black
Allow me to quote a Nina Simone song, “To be young, gifted and Black!”
It’s not often you get to see a photographer in action, behind the l..
Photographer Interview: Sinden Collier
This humbled blogger is fortunate to have dedicated readers who believe in the mission of this blog and in turn..
Photographer Interview: William Vazquez
In keeping with the theme of “diversity”, I like to interview photographers of all levels in their professional and artistic careers. Phot..