Call for Entries: Hey, Hot Shot! 2009
what is Hey, Hot Shot!?
Hey, Hot Shot! offers unrivaled opportunities for photographers to have their work promoted online, reviewed by top-notch panelists and exhibited in our New York gallery. Now entering its fifth year, the international competition has been lauded by curators, critics, educators and journalists.
We are also pleased to announce that photographer and former Creative Director of Colors magazine, Stefan Ruiz, has joined ranks with our seasoned panelists, Jen Bekman, Christine Collins, Dana Faconti, Caterina Fake, Stephen Frailey, Raul Gutierrez, Darius Himes, Jenni Holder, Julia Leach, Nion McEvoy, Lesley A. Martin and Kent Rogowski.
Stefan is just one of many exceptional additions + surprises we have in store. As Hey, Hot Shot! is becoming, increasingly, well, competitive, we’re working hard to ensure that it continues to bring photographers — at all stages of their careers — the exposure, recognition, and support they deserve. Stay tuned for more details!
five hot shots x NYC exhibition + (20×200) = incomparable exposure
Our panel will select five Hot Shots to exhibit their work in a two-week show @ Jen Bekman Gallery. In conjunction with the exhibition, 20×200 editions of each photographer’s work are released online.
cold hard cash
Each winning photographer will be awarded a $500 honorarium.
ultras go solo
One photographer of the five Hot Shots will be selected selected as an Ultra. Each Ultra is represented by Jen Bekman Gallery and slated for a solo exhibition.
in it to win it
As always, we’ll select contenders to feature daily on the Hey, Hot Shot! blog throughout the entry period. Contenders and honorable mentions will also be considered for 20×200, Jen Bekman Projects’ online endeavor which offers limited edition prints at affordable prices.
The deadline for entries is Friday, May 1st, 2009 @ 8pm (EDT).
Hot Shots will be announced on Thursday, May 28th, 2009.
Enter online today.
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