Cemí Underground presents “Un Caribe en Nueva York” Photo Exhibit

Contact: Sery Colon @ Cemí Underground (212) 860-2820 info@cemiunderground.com www.cemiunderground.com

Cemí Underground Kicks Off 2008 with ‘Un Caribe en Nueva York’

EAST HARLEM — Cemí Underground presents “Un Caribe en Nueva York” photo exhibit from January 4-18, featuring a collection of images from Puerto Rico and New York City. The exhibit explores Puerto Rican culture through the lens of New York City-based boricua photographers Chris Lopez, Eliud Martinez and Clarisel Gonzalez (who is also the exhibit’s curator).
“When we launched Cemí Underground it was with the goal of establishing an entity that would add another voice to the desperately few voices promoting and proclaiming our art and artists to the world,” says Luis Cordero, co-founder of Cemí Underground, a cultural haven in El Barrio. “Our weekly events and art exhibitions give an opportunity to our artistic community to share their talent and hone their skills as well.”

Come celebrate the New Year with us with these talented artists. The opening reception kicks off at 6 p.m. January 4 at Cemí Underground, 1799 Lexington Avenue @ E. 112 St. Admission is free and refreshments will be served. The exhibit will run until January 18. The hours are Tuesday through Saturday from noon to 7 p.m.

About the photographers:
Chris Lopez is a photojournalist who has dedicated the bulk of his photographic work to Puerto Rican culture. The images on exhibit are from “Puerto York,” a body of work documenting the boricua experience in Puerto Rico and New York.
Eliud Martinez is a photographer and writer whose diverse professional activities and art have drawn him to understand human interactions in the context of multiculturalism, human rights and social justice. These values are implicit in his images.

Clarisel Gonzalez is a freelance journalist/independent producer. An active photoblogger, her goal is to use photography to empower, inform and celebrate life. She regularly highlights Puerto Rican/Latino themes in her images.
For more information on the artists, visit www.flickr.com/groups/uncaribeenny.

Cemí Underground is a Latino cultural shop and venue in East Harlem. For more information, contact Sery Colon at (212) 860-2820 or info@cemiunderground.com.

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